Maximus Klevence is a Senior in High School. During his Elementary and Middle School Years, Maximus Klevence has participated in the Tap Teaser Performance Series (under the direction of Pamela Hetherington), Footwerx Tap Company (Director: Darrell Williams), and enjoyed being a Special Guest Performer in the Uniting Colleges Through Tap Concerts (Director: Corinne Karon).
Among the many performance opportunities, Maximus is very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a performer in Tappin’ Thru Life w/Maurice Hines in Wilmington, Delaware and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Something’s A Foot Tap Dance Showcase in New York, and The Shoeshine Box in Philadelphia, PA.
Currently, Maximus is a member of JADA Tap Company (under the Direction of Jaye Allison). He would like to Thank God, his Mom, and his little brother for their continuous love and support.
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